“His Secret Obsession” by James Bauer gives any woman who reads it a valuable advantage. Bauer’s newest book reveals unfair secrets to us men’s innermost desires to feel like women’s heroes.
He understands my fears and desires as a man and packaged these secrets into the eBook.
Align both his wants and yours (while still encouraging him to accomplish his life goals), and he will never leave your side.
Put this eBook into the wrong woman’s hands and some poor guy is F—-d ! Advanced male-mind hacks.
Embrace the concept of Jame’s male “Hero Instinct” and you will accelerate your quest to find Mr. Right or create a deep emotional connection with your current boyfriend.
[Us men are suckers- EVERY TIME – to help the “damsel in distress”. Become a master of James Bauer’s “Damsel in Distress Signal” on page 124]. I realize this doesn’t exactly encourage you to embrace girl power, but you do want to meet in the middle with men, right?
“Yes, I want to embrace the ancient and delicate balance of the male and female polarities.” Say it aloud please.
(*I’ve personally experienced prompt customer service with Clickbank and I found overall online positive reviews from other customers too.)
Most in-depth male mind hack ebook I’ve read to date!
Expect to learn the feelings that drive men to desire your company– and not some other woman’s (the “hero instinct” forms the basis of this male drive).
James Bauer’s main message revolves around understanding men ‘s need to pursue their career goals simultaneously while succeeding as your provider. DON”T MISUNDERSTAND this mindset. In this case provider refers to us men’s need to feel confident that we fulfill you emotionally and financially (we earn a sufficient amount that you won’t see us a burden).
James reveals the scientific reasons an ingrained DNA message passed from generation-to-generation screams at us that if we don’t fulfill you emotionally and financially then you will seek a man who can.
BUT if you disrupt our need to accomplish our goals outside of the relationship then we will not feel complete for our own satisfaction which leads to us NOT wanting to commit.
NO, “His Secret Obsession” is not perfect and I will reveal my PROs and CONs in this review. (No dating eBook for women is, in fact, everyone contains items the others don’t.)
The intention of this detailed, unbiased review of BeIrrestible.com ‘s James Bauer ‘s newest PDF dating tips download is to provide you with an insider’s look.
At the end of this review you can decide on your own to purchase your own copy or not.
I’m only here to provide you information and offer my opinions- not to sell you.
I realize you demand an inside glance before you purchase (a sort of trial run- although you do receive a lengthy 60-day-money-back guarantee) and not a sales pitch. Let’s face it. The eBook and bonus cost $47 (remember you do receive audio versions too).
In this section I list my Positive and Negative points of this product for you.
Unlike other James Bauer reviews on the internet I identify legitimate negatives so it leaves you no surprises if you decide to buy your own copy of His Secret Obsession.
Click here to purchase a copy of James Bauer ‘s eBook and audio from his secure site.
(Watch his animated 5 minute video that reveals some “Hero Instinct”)
Learn to channel your man’s deepest passions towards wanting a relationship with you.
Your man’s highest goal is to feel like your hero (whether you accept it or not), but he will not ask you to fulfill this need- you must learn how to invite him.
A man will ignore the desires for love in order to achieve an identity he can feel proud of.
Position yourself at the center of his sense of purpose- become his secret obsession.
Learn to send out your “hero instinct” signal to strengthen the bond between you and your man.
Learn how to tap into the human nature quirk psychologists call “the foot in the door effect” which influences your man to agree to a small request that increases the likelihood he will agree to follow-up to a second larger request.
Learn to send out a call for help and he will come running to your rescue. He won’t resist.
Master the power of curiosity to grab his attention at any given moment.
Here I personally hand-pick some of the most relevant tips to speed up your goal of hooking your man.
1. The secret that enhances his interest in both physical intimacy and romance. (bottom of page 31 and top page 32)
2. Why men fear commitment. (page 34)
3. How to turn your relationship into his mission to make him feel like a hero. (page 35)
…find out why men are wired to fall in love and what he instinctively craves and why you struggle to pin him down. (starts page 41)
5. How “propinquity” plays major role to influence which two people end up marrying each other. (page 43-44)
6. How anticipation of pleasureful experiences energizes us to keep moving forward and how the opposite is true (page 46)
…3 keys to activate his hero instinct. (page 53)
…and the 5 steps [The Deserted Island Signal] to take him from grabbing his attention through fascination and triggering his love interest in you (bottom page 53-54)
…How they tie into a man’s sense of purpose at each stage and what he wants from you in order for him to commit to a long-term relationship (starts page 57)
…and why he must see you share in the celebration of his goal-accomplishing progress. (at bottom of special pop-up section p 61)
…Why men wired to provide through a sense of reward and fear of loss (this ties into why men suffer when wife dies or cheats) (starts page 62)
11. Why he will not feel complete in the relationship until he feels like he could become a successful provider. (page 64)
12. If he feels he will fail you as a provider then he fears you will not approve of him later, you may leave (I have experienced this and the fear drives me to make this a successful website–explain further) (page 65)
…the 5 step process (a sequence that builds each step in order) to ignite his desire to want a long-term relationship with you. (page 66)
…the comparison between the reward system used to train killer whales at SeaWorld and how to gradual increase his desire to keep wanting to earn your approval and affection. (starts top of page 68)
…with real-life examples of how to increase affection in short spurts (page 70)
Read the contrasting examples: “needy” vs “be my hero”. Very important. We run from women who do not understand this concept. It played a major role in killing the emotional connection in my first long-term relationship. (bottom of page 76 to top of page 77)
How to avoid needing to revive and rekindle romance later- you’ll never lose it to begin with.
Example of how to use the Momentum Method that builds excitement and cheat-proofs your relationship and kills boredom and depression. (pages 95-96)
Understand and Embrace His Need to Impress You: “The Damsel in Distress Signal”. This works every time with me and any man. Become irresistible to him with the Damsel in Distress mind hack. (page 124)
…and still make him happy without manipulative tricks. “The Foot in the Door Technique” and “The I Owe You Signal” (starts on page 136- real-life example on page 166)
…and living a life full of excitement. “Glimpse Phrases” (starts on page 155)
…and the powerful effective of “what if” questions and sample stories (page 157)
James Bauer’s real-life therapy session that saved a dying marriage between a woman nearing retirement who was ready to give up on her relationship because her husband prioritized his best friend over her. It brought tears to my eyes. (starts on page 174)
Someone once told me that after you read 5 books on any subject you become an expert of it.
James Bauer filled his newest eBook to boost your confidence that you’ll achieve the long-term relationship you long for.
“His Secret Obsession” will become one of those 5 books to teach you how to understand men’s relationship needs.
Between the “Hero Instinct“, “The Fascination Formula“, “Orca Analogy” and the “Damsel in Distress Signal” you’ll will find yourself equipped with enough male inner mind secrets to speed up your success. “His Secret Obsession” will put you on the straight and narrow path to either find Mr. Right or help you develop a deeper emotional connection with your current boyfriend.
The one major issue I can see many of you running into with this PDF download is information overload. The main product alone lasts 213 pages and the first 2/3 of the book throws a lot of deep psychological theories at you with few practical examples.
The last 1/3 of the content finally matches the mindsets with simple-to-follow, ready-to-use examples. Don’t misunderstand me, the first part contains some, but you find yourself tied up in knots at times differentiating the terms. As long as you don’t mind re-reading sections the suggestions will definitely help (if you enjoy internalizing deep, multifaceted psychology).
One piece this eBook could address thoroughly is how to differentiate the players from the men who want a relationship. James gives you tips how to flirt and connect with a man emotionally, but how do you know if you are wasting your time with the wrong guy?
“Why He Disappeared” by woman’s dating coach Evan Marc Katz shares more tips how to turn a man onto the idea of committing to a relationship, but also instructs you how to read immature male behavior and how to get rid of these time wasters from your life.
Read this detailed review here of “Why He Disappeared”.
Over prepared is better than under-prepared.
Download your copy of His Secret Obsession. (You will redirect to watch James Bauer ‘s video then click the button at end of it to purchase/download on Clickbank.com ‘s secure SSL encrypted site)
Yes, I want to Purchase “His Secret Obsession”
Click here to buy James Bauer ‘s “His Secret Obsession” from his secure site.
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