Review Writing

Buyer Keywords List [Free PDF Download]: Increase Affiliate Sales

Why don’t you have a buyer keywords list?

Do you even know what a buyer keywords list is?

How about this next trick question then?

Loads of Monthly Traffic (30k+ unique visitors) vs Less Monthly Traffic (Less than 10k unique visitors)?

Which would you rather have?

Dumb question, right?

30k+ Unique Visitors, duh.

But wait…

What if you could still make affiliate sales with lower traffic?

You could change that pattern TODAY!

With a buyer keywords list  for your site.

Keep reading…

Your Dilemma as a Part-Time Blogger…[without] a Buyer Keywords Generator

Let’s face it.

You’re tired of dragging yourself to work exhausted and doubtful that you’ll break free from the Rat Race?

You know you get enough traffic and some clicks on affiliate links…


And you didn’t start a blog to get traffic, clicks BUT no money, right?

Your Challenge to Convert Clicks to Sales

You have no trouble finding topics to write about, but you randomize all your content.

Whatever works for your niche and scores well in your keyword research tool.

But again…they read your content, maybe click a few affiliate links from time to time, but no commissions.


You don’t optimize your incoming traffic for buyer keywords because you still haven’t created a buyer keywords generator list.

Today you will, and you will also receive a free buyer keywords list download.

The Problem:  You attract LOOKERS

The problem you dig yourself into when you optimize your posts for informational keyword phrases like…

  • How to +
  • List posts
  • The Best Way to +
  • Top Secret to +

…is that you will convert less sales when you send visitors directly to an affiliate sales page from your posts optimized for these types of keyword phrases.

You will convert some sales, but very few.

These visitors seek answers to questions.

They want to know how to solve their problem first.

The next step for them is to research what products or services will solve that problem.

So sending someone who is not even sure how to solve their problems straight to a landing page asking them to buy something confuses them.

It’s not the correct order of Call to Actions.

The Solution to Convert First Time Visitors to Buying Customers…

You should send them to a review page next.

And optimize your review pages with Buyer Keywords phrases .

Today we will introduce you to the idea of pulling in visitors with intention to buy with high earning, high converting and above all high quality reviews.

Why product review pages?

They convert.

And they convert because most people who look for information and opinions on specific products consider buying it already before they land on your review post.

They stand at the edge of the pool deciding one last time if they want to dive in to swim or if they fear freezing in the chilly water.

You will help them want to jump in on their own free will and not fear getting cold.


Start Earning Affiliate Commissions within the Next 1-3 Months…

..with first time visitors.

By learning a new mindset, a new strategy of crafting unbiased, multi-dimensional informational reviews that no other affiliate marketer does you will covert clicks to affiliate sales within 1-3 months.

Do this and your carefully designed reviews (from now on) will accomplish the following:

  • Inform your visitors which problems the products that you review solve.
  • Clear up any confusion about its features.
  • Reveal the extra bonus products included with the main purchase
  • Extinguish their biggest fears any discomfort the products will cause.
  • Excite them about the wonderful thrills they’ll experience after they purchase the product by highlighting the benefits that the features will deliver.

Of course before you write these reviews you should learn how to identify top notch affiliate programs in your niche (or closely related enough niche to your site) in my other post.

But on this post you will learn how to find buyer keywords to bring buyer ready visitors to your review.

Create a Buyer Keywords List

How can you create a buyer keywords list for the visitors who’ve arrived to the end of the buying cycle?

Here below I created a buyer keywords list generator formula for you.

Now the hungry, salivating visitors who seek more information regarding the affiliate products you promote will need to look no further than your high quality reviews.

They just need that last nudge to feel comfortable making the purchase.

Your reviews initiate that nudge.

Buyer Keywords List Generator Formulas

From here on out you will start to create posts optimized for keyword phrases that people who teeter on the edge pay or keep looking.

Some of your posts can highlight top 10 lists of products or best products in certain niches and then invite them to read your reviews.

And the other strategy is to just bring organic traffic straight to your review posts.

Buyer Keywords List for Supportive Posts

  • Cheap
  • Top
  • Best
  • Affordable
  • Under $ (Certain Price)
  • (Product Category) On Sale
  • Luxury
  • Economic

Include these buyer keywords in phrases for list posts in which you ultimately recommend a particular product from the list which stands out more than the rest…

…your affiliate product on your review post, of course.


Buyer Keywords List for Product Review Posts

  • Review
  • Specific Brands
  • PROs and CONs
  • Scam
  • Legit
  • Specific Model #s
  • Specific Product Name
  • Author Name
  • Product Creator Name
  • Company Name of Product

Optimize your product review posts for these keywords.

Combine them to make higher converting buyer keywords phrases.

Buyer Keywords List: Combination Phrases for Highest Converting Visitors

Now combine the best of the best like this…

  • (Author Name) + (Name of eBook) + Review
  • (Make and Model # of Your Affiliate Product) + PROs CONs (*note I removed the stop word “and” to eliminate garbage search result clutter)
  • (Product Creator Name) + (Product Name) + Review + “Scam or Legit”
  • (Make, Model, Brand Product A) vs (Make, Model, Brand Product B)

Include these laser targeted keyword phrases in post and posts’ headlines.

Watch the conversions routinely occur month after month, week after week, day after day.

Next convert information seeking visitors in one post…

Buyer Keywords Generator List: Combination of Information and Buyer Keywords

  • (Solve Problem phrase- “Get Rid of Acne in 30 Days”) with (Exact Product Name)
  • How to Get a Date (Time Frame- “This Week”) + with (Dating Site Name)
  • 10 Tips to Land Flight Attendant Job (with Resume Creator Site)
  • 5 Ways to Catch a Cheater: (Make, Model of Spy Camera or GPS Tracker)
  • 10 Pro Tips to Find Buyer keywords: Jaaxy Keyword Tool

The “how to”, “ways to” “tips” part of the headline attracts information seeking visitors and then immediately introduces them to the product to facilitate solving their problem in one shot.

Then ask them to click the link that leads to the review.

Buyers Keywords List Summary

Instead of optimizing all your posts for information seekers and then sending them unprepared to affiliate landing pages start creating high quality, unbiased reviews.

Optimize your review posts and headlines of the posts with buyer keywords laser targeted to your the affiliate products you promote

Gain Instant Access to a More In-depth Buyer Keywords Generator Formula [*Free PDF Download*] below…


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