Men secretly want respect instead of love. At least more respect/admiration than love/affection. James Bauer claims he discovered two keys that create deep emotional connection in men and could lead to long-term relationships. He coined these theories the “Respect Principle” and “Hero Instinct”.

Can you change an emotionally cold distant man from pulling away to chasing you?
My name is Rick and I base this review on both these theories of “the hero instinct” and “respect principle” from my own personal story how my ex wife mastered them and mind-hacked me, and how droves of men around the world commit to relationships with women who admire and respect them.
These emotional secrets get passed down to every man from previous generations. We feel that if we protect you and you respect us for it then you will not leave. Like it or not, blame human nature, deny it, but the truth is the truth.
And if you learn these male mental mind hacks you will not suffer from learning how to be irresistible to him (or man any longer). He simply will not live without you. Period. I usually do not make such bold statements, but I believe you come with healthy intentions and do not wish to manipulate us men.
“What Men Really Want”
James Bauer
Instant Download eBook and MP3 Audio Package
(sent by email- this is how many eBook purchase transactions work- I buy mine this way.)
- “What Men Secretly Want” eBook (137 pages)
- “What Men Secretly Want” MP3 audio
- [Bonus eBook]: “The Art of Intrigue”
$47- Paid via Pay Pal, Credit Card through (After you watch James Bauer’s animated video you click a link to purchase the product on a SSL secure Shopping Cart webpage).
Money Back Guarantee
100%, 60 Day Money Back, No Question Asked Guarantee (Done through via telephone or email. I have experienced reliable customer service with and quick response.)
Who Will Benefit from “What Men Secretly Want”
If you currently experience these problems then you perhaps will benefit from the solutions the James Bauer’s eBook proposes. (While the eBook offers a reasonable 60-day money back guarantee it does guarantee that you will achieve the results you desire.)
Women who testify to have benefited from this product normally claim to suffer from disconnection with men normally during courtship, but in some cases after starting a relationship with them.
Some of the Problems Women Who Purchase “What Men Secretly Want” Claim to Struggle with Men
- She gave her full effort, heart and sole to her boyfriend, but he didn’t give much effort in return.
- Her man started to act emotionally cold and distant after flirting and showing lots of interest in her.
- He stopped returning her texts, calls (or took forever to respond).
- After it seemed they felt mutual affection and desire for each other, he expressed fear to commit to an exclusive relationship. Instead he wanted- to keep dating other women.
- Due to fear he would run away, she became apprehensive to give herself emotionally, physically to him.
Who Will NOT Benefit from “What Men Secretly Want”
On the other hand, if you do not seek any of these solutions then I don’t believe this eBook package will help you. Instead I recommend to not waste your time to finish this review. And if the fear of possible change and taking action which could result (and probably will at first) in rejection then you should probably stop now and leave this page.
How this Product Helped Other Women Who Bought It
- Some women claim to win back his desire and get them to chase them again despite him pulling away and becoming cold and emotionally distant.
- They claim to feel confident and relaxed because they see how Jame’s tips work to routinely allure men who seem “hard to get “
- Some of these women learn to be irresistible to the men they like. The men seem like they suddenly can’t live without them.
- And the learn the certain words and phrases that trigger chemical response which sparks the deep emotional connection that I experienced in my story farther down on this page.
[Sneak Peek] at the 9 Sections of “What Men Secretly Want” by James Bauer
You want to know what the product looks, feels and tastes like before you buy (just like when you taste a cheese or cold cut sample at your local grocery store). So here I provide a brief test run of the nine sections you will find in the eBook if you purchase it.
Section 1: The Single Most Powerful Factor
Read what James believes you must learn to understand what matters most to men when committing to relationships. Without this key than the rest of the tips will not work.
Section 2: Your Secret Barometer for Success
Why he cannot live without respect and the section also covers the hard truth that you may not want to swallow of why James claims that your appearance affects how he feels about the relationship. What you think you say with your appearance does not mean the same thing in his eyes.
Section 3: Double His Desire for a Committed Relationship
Answer to the question, “Why do men pull away?” and what to do to reverse it to make them chase you. What makes men want a long-term relationship with some women and not others? Find out here. You deserve the right man who will stick by you. Introduce yourself to the Respect Principle.
Section 4: Stop Being Interesting and Get Interested
Do you come across needy? Do you make the relationship more about you? He won’t tell you. You’ll see it in his actions. Learn tips to understand how to connect with a man deeply so he thinks about you all the time.
Section 5: Get a Guy to Commit- Increase Attraction While Setting Standards
How to set boundaries without scaring him away.
Section 6: How to Unlock His Emotions and Get Him to Open Up
How to invite him to open up without forcing him. Learn to earn his trust so he reveals himself to you.
Section 7: How Can You Find Quality Men?
Where to meet relationship quality men and how to grab their attention.
Section 8: Meet Your Avatar
Ingredients of a quality venue and how to create your own.
Section 9: Places and Situations to Avoid
How your friends hurt your odds of meeting men and how to flirt in a way that eliminates his fear of approaching you. Will internet dating work for you? And a summary on looking for men.
My Tear-jerking and Embarrassing Confession, Why I Chose to Do a Review of “What Men Secretly Want” by James Bauer …(and why I almost passed On It)
I am a man and I do some detailed reviews on dating coach products (here and other sites- is in the infancy stages). And while I could stick to review products for men to find relationships, I typically prefer to review products to help women understand men.
Because the dating products for men disgust me. The “how-to-get-laid” videos or “panties dropper” tricks lead to a life of chasing pointless, shameless empty dreams and a life of loneliness. But sex sells as you know and they outnumber women dating tips products 10 to 1.
James Bauer’s “What Men Secretly Want” caught my attention. I nearly passed on reviewing this due to the salesy sounding video and Jame’s creepy, unnerving voice (at least the voice in the video- it’s probably an actor).
The “Hero Instinct” and “The Respect Principle”?
When I watched the conspicuous, emotion-jerking video I teared up.
No, not for the reasons you’d think.
I almost clicked away. Then it hit me.
The woman who I think about everyday. The one who holds my heart in her hands. The girl who instinctively understood these so called “hero instinct” and “respect principle” male mind hacks left me. She married me and left without warning. And I launched a whole other website under a pseudo name (to protect our intimate information and family members names) to help others recover from the pain of affairs.
Is this Age-old “Knight in Shining Armor” Thing REAL (or some stupid, corny Hollywood Scam)?
So what about the hero instinct and respect principle allowed my ex Japanese sweetheart to reach into my chest and seize my heart and never let go- even now to this day long after she left?
Men like to feel like saviors (I am no different) and want to feel strong and protective of their women FIRST…and seek adoration SECOND.
This concept may offend you. I understand. After all you consider yourself independent and do not need a man to “save you”, but consider this.
If a man doesn’t at least feel like you need him to help solve some of your problems or protect you in some way then he feels unnecessary and disrespected.
Admiration beats adoration.
I’ll never forget how my ex wife made me feel like I was her hero (like she needed me to complete her) and how she looked up to me for working hard to provide for her financially and emotionally.
And I struggle to deal with the pain everyday how I felt when she decided what I offered no longer fulfilled her (how it wasn’t enough)…and she ran away.
- the phrases she told me that built me up
- the soft touches and soft, eye-to-eye contact that created a deep emotional connect in me for her
- her short, effective texts, emails and love notes
Don’t Believe this “Hero Instinct” Ignites Emotional Desire in Men?…check out how we FEEL when we fail as your hero
The REAL TRUTH is I probably shouldn’t continue with this “What Men Secretly Want” Review because it reminds me of the black thorn rose ex of mine.
The hero instinct in men is real. But I believe you will not take advantage of it to hurt men like my ex wife did.
Men whose wives leave them for other men usually do not recover from the infidelity. They feel like they failed to protect their relationship from invaders and that more importantly they failed to provide the support their wives needed. They felt like a “FAILED HERO”.
You came here looking for tips to find a boyfriend and potential future husband because you believe in long-term relationships like I still do. (I won’t let one rotten experience stop me from believing in true love).
Final Summary of “What Men Secretly Want”
James Bauer from created a rather extensive eBook (maybe too long) and some of his opinions regarding men’s physical appearance desires may offend you, but he intends to provide a “no-holds-back” approach.
He believes the truth will allow you to advance your techniques to understand quality men’s mindset who want to commit to long-term relationships.
If that means offending some of his readers he can live with it. I agree with many of his points regarding his respect principle and hero instinct theories from my own feelings and learning about how other men like me interested in relationships rather than getting laid.
James bases his opinions on research from a survey he came across (Eggerichs, Emerson, and Sarah Eggerichs. Love & Respect. Love and Respect Ministries, 2006) and through his own experience as a relationship consultant.
While I realize that many women will shy away from the idea of taking action, seeking a change in approach and swallowing a heap of pride to connect with men who could potentially make fools out of them, the tips in “What Men Secretly Want” will help most women who purchase the eBook and bonus package.
Click here to Download James Bauer’s “What Men Secretly Want”
(**You will will watch a informative video first before making your purchase on ‘s SSL encrypted-protected site.)