Free download page of lead magnets = FASTER email list growth!
It’s my biggest secret to grow my lists.
People love free gifts.
I know because I’ve had thousands and thousands take me up on my freebies offers.
Make it too hard to resist and they will take action.
That’s why I created a package of free digital gifts.
Right now, I only do this in the relationship niche, and I can expect anywhere from 30-50% opt-in rates- so far.
In this blog post I will show you what kinds of lead magnets to package, what the free download page looks like, how to do it for free, and how to monetize.
Got to make money too, right?
[Related Article]
For more ideas on how to create endless content ideas check out How to Create Content Fast: eBooks, Blog Posts, Checklists, Newsletters, and More!
What Is a Free Download Page?
Simply, it’s just a page I create in my WordPress blog (not post) that houses a package of free digital gifts.
So, instead of giving one eBook, or one lead magnet of some kind, I give away a whole set.
Then I only give access to the link to the package to the people that just opted in.
You could even add a password to the page within WordPress if you feared people giving access to your link. (Not sure how to do that? Check out this post from my favorite WordPress authority WPBeginner how to password protect a page. It’s super easy.)
I’ll show you a short video of mine here in a moment.
[Affiliate Disclaimer] This post contains affiliate links that pay me a commission to run this site when a purchase is made through them. Thank you for your support!
Variety of Types of Lead Magnets for Your Free Download Page
When we talk about different kinds of freebies and giveaways for your free download page it really means two things:
- The format (eBook, videos, checklists, slide shows, etc.)
- The purpose (how to do something, how to organize something, to jumpstart a creative process with a list of ideas, a ready-to-go template, etc)
You want to include both in your package of freebies.
It makes your free offer more enticing and makes you look like an authority on the matter.
Someone your new subscriber trusts for advice.
Let’s check out a list of brainstormed ideas by combining both and then I’ll share what I use in my package of freebie lead magnets.
[Examples] of Lead Magnets: Formats and Purposes
I know many of you come from different niches or have multiple blogs from different niches so here are some ideas from a variety of niches. (Sorry, to mix them up in the same list- it’s just easier for me).
- Budget/Frugal Living: Grocery Checklist (Printable)
- Budget/Frugal Living: Spices/Sauces/Dressings/Syrups Inventory Spreadsheet (Printable)
- Relationship/Dating: Cute Ice Breakers Examples (Slide Show)
- Health/Diet: Keto Dessert Recipes (eBook)
- Fitness: Illustrative Morning Stretch Guide (eBook)
- Internet Marketing: Find Your Niche (Quiz)
- Internet Marketing: Multiple Streams of Income for a Blog (Checklist)
- Travel: Best Seasonal Deals for Wine Tours (Video + Printable Coupons)
- Any Niche: Interviews with Successful People in a Niche (Video or MP3 + Transcribed PDF)
- Relationship/Dating: Top Compliments and Top Apologies Examples to Connect with Partner (Slide Show + eBook)
- Cocktails/Beverages: Home Bar Inventory (Printable)
- Cocktails/Beverages: Customizable Home Bar Shopping List (Printable)
- Travel: Budget Planning Checklist (Printable)
- Travel: Vacation Brainstorm Checklist (Printable)
- Make Money from Home: Profitable Items to Sell in Your Home Checklist
- Catch Cheater: Places to Find Cheating Evidence (eBook)
- Any Niche: Steps to Create an eBook (eBook + Slide Show)
- Internet Marketing: Viral Pinterest Headlines Formula (eBook)
- Travel: Disney World Budget Planner (Printable)
- Blogging/Writing: Power Action Words List (eBook)
I could go on and on. This list of lead magnets could be endless.
Any one of these could be re-purposed into more than one format.
For example, you could turn the Budget Planning Checklist (Printable) into a short video that explains how to use it.
And the Illustrative Morning Stretch Guide (eBook) could also become a slide show presentation with audio.
Your audiences will benefit from multiple formats because they can watch, listen to, and read your freebies.
But you also want to sweeten the pot and make your giveaways even more enticing by packaging a variety of 1) Formats, 2) Purposes/Kinds of Lessons, and 3) Topics
And that’s what I do in the relationship and dating niche.
But I package them all on one free download page for them to easily access in one organized spot and refer back to later.
Here’s how I do it…
Example of Free Download Page in the Dating and Relationship Niche
A Package of Lead Magnets in ONE Spot
(share story of first content upgrade flirty text response and how I coach some women too, then the other ones, then how it hit you to package them, share stats, share video)
On my blog InfidelityFirstAidKit.com, many of my visitors are females who seek dating and relationship advice.
My first successful lead magnet was a simple eBook called Flirty Responses to His Short, Boring Texts to Instantly Turn Him On that really could have just served as a list blog post.
It was achieving an opt-in rate in the mid 20% (keep in mind the blog at that point was mostly geared towards getting over affairs or catching cheaters).
After I created my free download page and packaged a bunch of freebies I started to convert in the low to mid 40%
Both are pretty good considering they do not teach someone how to make money, for example in the make money niche, which would raise the opt-in rates.
So, if you want a very simple way to create a freebie for you website just create a printable version of one of your posts.
Especially one that people would want to refer back to.
I’ve since turned that into a quiz that I created with Google Forms and inserted into a printable eBook full of other quizzes.
But here is what my current free download page that new subscribers gain access to after opting-in.
List of Freebies on My Free Download Page
- Flirty Responses to His Short, Boring Texts to Instantly Turn Him On (video + slide show)
- Flirty Text Goddess Quizzes (printable/PDF- gives them two options)
- Male Attraction Triggers (affiliate program-generated eBook)
- 5 Secret Text Tricks to Get His Attention and Get a Response (eBook)
- Flirty Interactive Text Exercise and Quiz (with score) (Google Forms)
- 3 Text Message Mistakes that Push Him Away (Welcome Email Series)
I house all of these on my free download page for my new subscribers to access.
Check out the short video below:
My new subscribers receive a link to this page in their welcome email that gets sent to them upon opting-in.
The beauty of the welcome email series is that each lesson goes into detail on how my female subscribers to connect better with men (their husbands, boyfriends, men they date)
At the end of each email I introduce the next day’s lesson.
This trains them to look for the email the next day.
By the second email I mention that I comprehensive eBook in the final email that teaches how to succeed in making men chase (either women in relationships, dating or meeting men).
This, of course, is my CTA (call-to-action) to make a sale.
Right now this eBook is my own, but I could also offer an affiliate product.
By the way, here is an easy way I have been converting affiliate sales with my subscriber Thank You Pages.
Resources I Use to Create My Free Download Page
Easily create opt-in boxes and landing pages with pre-made templates. Edit the templates to customize your own. Access your free-14-day Leadpages trial here.
Create professional-looking images (product covers, video covers, video slide shows, social media, and more). Try Canva for free.
- Check out my post How to Create Pins Fast with Canva. (RelationshipBrew.com)
Create screenshot videos to publish to your blog. It’s very inexpensive. Try Screencast-O-Matic here.
Create auto-play short videos quickly and easily by uploading your 30-second videos from Screencast-O-Matic. Try it Giphy free here.
This plug-in creates beautiful pages with columns, image galleries, background colors, CTA buttons, and more! Try Elementor for free.
Opt-in Pop-Ups and Landing Pages for Your Free Download Page
Where to Display Your Opt-ins
Now I will show you the best places to insert your newsletter opt-in boxes and links to opt-in landing pages.
I have used Leadpages for years and I highly recommend you try them.
It’s very easy to create landing pages and pop-up boxes with Leadpages.
Try out a free trial for 14 days here.
Your awesome package of freebies won’t matter if your visitors do not see your offer.
Consider these following keys to get their attention:
- Insert your opt-in CTAs above the fold or the top 1/3 of your blog post.
- Test different styles of call-out boxes. I prefer a yellow background box with a CTA headline and a link that opens a pop-up box or opens to another landing page.
- A 3D eBook cover image (promote the eBook as the main free giveaway.
- Sidebar (for desktop)
- Insert several CTAs (at least two or three) in your main visited posts
- Link in the main navigation bar to the landing page.
- Related post images that link to a landing page
- Timed and entrance pop-up boxes
- Send visitors from a Pinterest Pin straight to an opt-in landing page.
- Insert alert bars at the top of your most visited posts. (You can create alert bars with Leadpages too. Try your 14-day free Leadpages trial here).
Do not fear turning people off to ask them to take action.
Since you’re offering a package of freebies they will more likely be grateful than annoyed.
Place CTAs to opt-in to your newsletter everywhere.
Check out my video below of opt-ins where my visitors can subscribe and gain access to my free download page. (The video comes from my current main blog InfidelityFirstAidKit.com)
I took the short video from my heat map shots of my blog posts which show you proof that people click on the links to opt-in to my newsletter.
I use Clicky.com for my heat maps. Try Clicky.com for free here.
How to Monetize Your Free Download Page
Now the most fun part before I go.
Do not waste the opportunity to make affiliate commissions or to sell your own products.
My favorite way to make money with new subscribers is with your Thank You Page. Read about it by clicking the above link.
But you can also monetize in the following ways:
- Place affiliate links or to your own product sales pages with ALL of your lead magnets
- Take advantage of customizable affiliate program lead magnets (like the ones I get from BeIrresistible.com). They do all the work. Just access their eBooks, insert your affiliate links, offer them as lead magnets to your audience.
- Insert affiliate banners and links in your free download page.
- Insert links to reviews of affiliate products in your lead magnets.
- Insert affiliate links after your salutations in your emails.
I hope this blog post gives you ideas on how to grow your list and make more money with affiliate marketing.
Feel free to ask me questions about how to do your own free download page for your lead magnets in the comment section below.